The purpose of this organization is to encourage regular physical activity and understanding of its health benefits by members of the ISU campus and the Ames, IA community. A secondary aim of Exercise is Medicine on Campus is to encourage health care providers to include physical activity as a ‘vital sign,’ including the consideration and recommendation of physical activity when designing treatment plans. Exercise is Medicine on Campus is committed to the belief that physical activity is integral in the prevention and treatment of disease and should be a part of medical care. Exercise is Medicine on Campus ambassadors will be active volunteers at events to help communicate this message. This organization is directly affiliated with the Iowa State University Department of Kinesiology and the American College of Sports Medicine.
What is EIM (Exercise is Medicine on Campus)?
The Exercise is Medicine program at ISU is a network of faculty, staff, and most importantly students. Exercise is a part of the global initiative - Exercise is Medicine - that seeks to promote the notion that daily exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, and that exercise is literally the best medicine to combat many diseases.
Want to gain valuable experience through EIM in the community?
Volunteer with us at ExerCYse Time!
ISU Students - Exercise is Medicine uses Givepulse as our central Ambassador volunteer hub for volunteer opportunities such as "ExerCYse Time!" This hub provides our student Ambassadors with a unique way of signing up to volunteer for events AND it also allows our Ambassadors to track their volunteer service over time.