Sports & Recreation Sports Club


The Mountaineering and Climbing Club is a student-run, non-profit organization designed to provide the ISU community with the means to learn about mountaineering and climbing, including presentations and discussions about backpacking, rock climbing, ice climbing, and mountaineering; and to form a local community of people with those common interests.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1279570825.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 89
ISU Members 2
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members any adults
Allowed Officers ISU students who meet the standard Student Organization eligibility requirements (GPA, etc.)
Membership Qualifications There are no specific qualifications to be a member of the Mountaineering and Climbing Club.
Membership Restrictions There are no restrictions to membership.
Elections/Selection Elections for all positions are held on the last weekly meeting of the spring semester. Those elected will hold the positions the following fall and spring semesters. If there are any positions that open up for spring semester, elections for just those positions will be held at the last weekly meeting of fall semester. Summers will be covered by either the established officers (preferred) or possibly by newly elected members, depending on availability.
Meetings Weekly club meetings are at 7:15pm on Mondays in Howe 1304 (Spring 2025). (Fall and spring semesters, when classes are held on Monday.) No meetings in summer, on university holidays, Thanksgiving break, spring break, or during prep week or finals week.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Weekly club meetings are at 7:15pm on Mondays in Howe 1304 (Spring 2025). (Fall and spring semesters, when classes are held on Monday.) Beginners and other prospective members are welcome at the meetings, so come check us out and bring your friends! No meetings in summer, on university holidays, Thanksgiving break, spring break, or during prep week or finals week.

Description of Special Events

The club may hold social events to meet and get to know people with similar interests. The competitive team participates in climbing competitions.