

To provide and facilitate program activities for the ISU community. SUB is your source for campus entertainment! We do everything from shows in the M-shop and Cyclone Cinema, Grandma Mojo's Moonshine Revival and Open Mic Nights, magicians, comedians and multicultural events. We also are able to help other student organizations plan and carry out their events.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File SUBConstitutionFall2019.doc
Tier Student Organization - Sponsored

Membership Information

Student Members 30
ISU Members 2
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members All Iowa State students and staff
Allowed Officers Anyone who is selected from the group of applicants
Membership Qualifications None
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection We open applications and hold interviews for all executive positions each year towards the end of the fall semester.
Meetings We have general meetings every other Wednesday in the Maintenance Shop or alternate locations when necessary. See our calendar to learn more:

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

General SUB meetings are held every other Wednesday at 5pm. Locations vary based on availability, so check out our website to learn more (

Description of Special Events

Cyclone Cinema is responsible for showcasing a variety of genres in the film industry, ranging from animated and comedy to action and drama. Each week Cyclone Cinema puts on FREE showings of the most recent hit movies. The showings occur every Thursday-Sunday at 7pm in Carver 101.
The Maintenance Shop, or M-Shop, is dedicated to booking the best of local, regional, and nationally touring acts of a variety of genres. This committee programs upwards of 60 concerts a year. Visit our website to learn more (
The Multicultural Awareness committee brings to campus a variety of artists (comedians, slam poets, theater presentations, and cultural bands) to raise awareness or add a little bit extra culture to campus. This committee is open to all people and all causes – if you are passionate about it, so are they! They have produced tons of great events including Global Gala & Rudy Francisco.
National Events has been host to some of the largest events to come to Iowa State’s campus. This committee is dedicated to bringing big name performers to Ames. Some previous National Events include Timeflies, Twenty-one pilots, Passion Pit, and more.
Performing Arts hosts the comedy group called Grandma Mojos Moonshine Revival every other week in the M-Shop. They also host Open Mic Nite every other week for those wanting to showcase their talents. AND they bring in various comedy acts including Carmen Esposito, Kevin Iso, Whitmer Thomas, and more.
Special Events hosts programs that feature a variety of fun events and appealing entertainers throughout the year. They collaborate with ISU AfterDark and host the headlining performers. Special Events is a great way to interact with others and have fun on campus! Comedians, hypnotists, mentalists, and speakers are just a few of the many entertainers to take the stage this semester.
Varieties has been showcasing the talent of Iowa State students for more than 80 years. Performances consist of 18-20 minute "mini-musicals" that are performed with original lyrics and choreography. Shorter acts, called vignettes, perform as well. A vignette consists of any talent that a student may have, from belly dancing to stand-up comedy. In this way, Varieties serves as Iowa State University's student talent show! The Varieties committee organizes and produces this popular campus entertainment. They choose the overall theme, assist with skits and vignettes, and coordinate all aspects related to the performance.