

The Student Government is the sole student organization on the campus of Iowa State University that exists to serve and represent all students. The mission of our organization is as follows: "We serve students and improve the student experience through advocacy and empowerment."


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File SG-ConstitutionUpdated2022.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Sponsored

Membership Information

Student Members 101
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members All Students
Allowed Officers All Students
Membership Qualifications Good academic standing with the University.
Membership Restrictions N/A
Elections/Selection Elections are held in the spring semester. Constituency councils can appoint members throughout the year.
Meetings Wednesday 6:00PM, Campanile Room MU

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Regular meetings are on Wednesday evenings at 6:00PM in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union. Legislation proposed is debated and voted on.

Description of Special Events

Various throughout the year.