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Cardinal Space Mining Club is a group of students in, but not limited to, the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The group will annually design and build a robotic mining system to compete in the NASA Robotic Mining Competition. As a result, the members of the Cardinal Space Mining Club will be challenged to create an atmosphere of community and excitement among students, learning from and teaching other students, welcoming prospective students and community members, connecting students with faculty and community through projects, activities, and demonstrations.


Constitution / Tier

File CSMCConstitution.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 11
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members No limit
Allowed Officers No limit
Membership Qualifications Need to be a full-time student at Iowa State University with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
Membership Restrictions All majors are encouraged to join Cardinal Space Mining Club by paying the dues.
Elections/Selection Elections take place in April and the date is decided a month prior to the election month. Any dues-paying member is eligible to run for a position.
Meetings General Meeting is on Thursdays at 6:10 PM through Microsoft Teams (link on main StuOrg webpage). Workday is on Saturday at 10:00 AM through Microsoft Teams (link on main StuOrg webpage)

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

General Meetings are Thursdays at 6:10 pm. They are the best place to find out more about the club and the plans for the upcoming week. Cardinal Space Mining Club is divided into three teams: Controls, Mechanical, and Outreach. The Controls team focuses on the electronics and software aspects of the robot. The Mechanical team, on the other hand, designs and manufactures the frame of the robot. The Outreach team reaches out to the community to get people involved and enthusiastic about space-related endeavors. These teams meet additionally outside the general meeting with time and location varying from team to team.

Description of Special Events

NASA’s annual Robotic Mining Competition is a competition for students to design and build a robot that competes in a simulated Martian environment to mine icy regolith. Cardinal Space Mining Club participates in NASA's Robotics Mining Competition that takes place every May at the Kennedy Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.