Academic - Business Academic - Intercollegiate Honor Societies


Sigma Nu Tau Entrepreneurship Honor Society has a goal of promoting, recognizing, honoring, and rewarding academic excellence in entrepreneurship through encouraging and recognizing the practice of principled entrepreneurship by means of a network of well-educated entrepreneurs striving to create a positive and ethical impact on businesses, consumers, and the global economy.


Constitution / Tier

File SigmaNuTauConstitution2022.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 18
ISU Members 2
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Students (junior, senior, or graduate) pursuing the entrepreneurship major, entrepreneurship minor, or graduate-level entrepreneurship program are eligible for membership. Undergraduate students must have a 3.2 or better GPA; graduate students must have a 3.5 or better GPA and will have completed at least 50% of their degree program.
Allowed Officers Any member may be elected to an officer position.
Membership Qualifications Meet honor society requirements and be willing to serve in a leadership position.
Membership Restrictions
Elections/Selection Elections will be held each spring for the academic year.
Meetings Meetings will be held monthly. Additional activities, events, and volunteer opportunities may be pursued to achieve merit awards.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Interested students may submit an "Interest Form" at

Description of Special Events
