Culture/Identity Based


The Puerto Rican Student Association (PRSA) is committed to promote and introduce the Puerto Rican culture to the students and community of Iowa State University by way of hosting diverse events throughout the academic year that engage the community, build camaraderie among its members, and create a familial environment. Our goal is to create a community where Puerto Rican students at Iowa State University, and those interested in learning more about our culture and heritage, have space where they feel like they belong, are represented, and can develop to become better individuals and professionals.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File PRSAConstitution.docx2.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 64
ISU Members 2
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members No limit
Allowed Officers 10
Membership Qualifications The membership of the PRSA is open to all students, faculty, and staff at Iowa State University. Our organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, disability, or national origin.
Membership Restrictions Members of the PRSA must be apart of the Iowa State community (Ex: student, faculty, staff).
Elections/Selection Elections take place at the midway point of the Spring semester. This allows us to have time to facilitate and assist incoming cabinet members if a transition is deemed necessary (e.g., a current cabinet member is graduating and their cabinet position needs to be filled.)
Meetings Meetings are held within Iowa State University differently buildings. For the incoming academic year, we will provide COVID-19 resources available for students. It is planned to have at least 2 monthly meetings, however, this is subject to change.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Our biggest event of the year is the Puerto Rican Cultural Night. Other than this large event we try to have multiple monthly activities for our members. During dead week and finals, we tend to try and reserve spaces for our members to study and help each other out with learning materials.

Description of Special Events

Puerto Rican Cultural Night - is an annual event that we celebrate in November around the date of "Descubrimiento de Puerto Rico", which is the Discovery of Puerto Rico. We host this event at the Great Hall in the Memorial Union. It's a free event open to the public and community of Iowa, where we have authentic Puerto Rican cuisine, live entertainment, and celebrate our Puerto Rican culture with the Iowa State community.
Black Light Dodgeball - is an annual event we do at the beginning of each semester to get to know everyone, including the incoming freshmen, transfers, and - or - graduate students here at Iowa State. Our members have enjoyed this event over the past couple of years, which serves as an "ice breaker" for our members.
We do our best to create at least one event per month to enjoy as a community. In the last couple of weeks of school, we reserve study spaces for members of our organization to come and engage with other members as well as to study for finals or work on final projects.