Welcome to the Pre-Law Club! Whether you're preparing for the LSAT, exploring law schools, or want to know if law is for you, we have the resources and tools to help.
LSAT Preparation
- Free Resources:
- LSAT Prep Book Library, located in the Political Science Department, 503 Ross Hall. Go in person to pick up the books, and let them know you're from the Pre-Law Club.
- Books available:
- The Official LSAT PrepTest 84 June 2018
- The Official LSAT Prepest 85 Sept. 2018
- The Official LSAT PrepTest 89 Nov. 2019
- PowerScore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible Workbook 2020 edition
- PowerScore LSAT Logical Reading Comprehension Workbook 2020 edition
- 10 Actual, Official LSAT Preptests Volume V
- 10 Actual, Official LSAT Preptests Volume VI
- Books available:
- The Princeton Review Scholarship
- We award one member a scholarship from The Princeton Review at the end of each semester. (Award recipient recives a free TPR prep course excluding LSAT 165+ Immersion).
- Instagram Giveaways
- LSAT Prep Book Library, located in the Political Science Department, 503 Ross Hall. Go in person to pick up the books, and let them know you're from the Pre-Law Club.
- Discounted Resources:
- You must be a member and pay dues to receive discount codes. Email for questions.
- 7Sage:
- varied amount of discounts
- LSAT Demon:
- 25% off prep courses
- The Princeton Review:
- 20% off prep courses for members, 50% off prep courses for officers
- 10% off one-on-one test prep and tutoring
- 10% off all admissions counseling services
- 7Sage:
- You must be a member and pay dues to receive discount codes. Email for questions.
Law School Exploration
Law School Search:
- Law School Rankings:
- Financial Aid Resources: