Academic - Vet-Med


Omega Tau Sigma is a professional fraternity for veterinary students. Our organization gets its strength and supports its members by fostering clinical skills and professional development, facilitating service to the community, and promoting mental/emotional health and well-being. And throughout, we encourage camaraderie. OTS provides opportunities that allow for personal development through service and participation in the community. Some of our service events include: delivering for Meals on Wheels, participating in Relay for Life, hosting blood drives and bone marrow registry events, sponsoring a boy and a girl at Christmas through the Holiday Giving Tree, volunteering for Food at First, hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for the children of Vet Med students and faculty, and many more. Socially, OTS is best known for throwing the Halloween party for the vet students. Aside from OTS activities, we hold chapter meetings on a monthly basis. All members have the opportunity to attend Grand Council, our national meeting, which is hosted by a different OTS chapter each year.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1392343997.doc
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 62
ISU Members 3
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Student and Staff of ISU CVM
Allowed Officers Students of ISU CVM (VM1, VM2, VM3)
Membership Qualifications Veterinary Student
Membership Restrictions Current Veterinary Student, or Staff member
Elections/Selection Spring Semester
Meetings 3/ Per semester

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Three meetings per semester to discuss upcoming activities and events Roadside Clean-up once per semester Blood Drive once per semester Relay for Life every year Easter Egg Hunt for CVM kids every year Holiday Giving Tree every year Travel to Grand Council every year Initiation of Pledges every year Senior Send-Off every year

Description of Special Events

OTS holiday party Game/movie nights Recruiting events