Music & Performing Arts


Orchesis I is a student organization specializing in aspects of professional dance training. The company was established in 1926 as the first dance group at Iowa State. We look for the best and brightest dancers who are open to change, growth, and development with their dancing and performing.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File OrchesisIRevisedConstitution-Spring2023.docx.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 53
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members ISU Students, Non-ISU students
Allowed Officers ISU Students
Membership Qualifications Must attend and participate in auditions each semester and pay semester dues.
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection Elections are held the meeting before our Spring show in April for all positions.
Meetings Thursdays @ 8:30p immediately following class

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

We offer weekly dance classes in multiple genres ranging from ballet to hip-hop, from modern to tap.

Description of Special Events

BARJCHE: Barjche, (pronounced bar-Shay) Iowa State University’s annual modern dance concert, was first created in 1946 by three Iowa State students, Barbara, Jean and Charlotte. The founding members of ISU’s dance club Orchesis wanted to create a modern dance concert. Since that time, Barjche has been produced annually by the Orchesis I dance company in late January/early February.
STUDENT PRODUCED: All choreography, lighting, costume design, and overall structure of the show is completely done by Iowa State students. The Orchesis I Officers serve as the production team for this event. Our pieces come in a wide variety of dance styles, showcasing our members talent and hard work. Student Produced in held each year in April.