Academic - Ag & Life Sciences Academic - Business Academic - Design Academic - Human Sciences Academic - Engineering Academic - Intercollegiate Academic - LAS Academic - Pre-Professional Academic - Vet-Med


To recognize and celebrate high achievement in all academic disciplines, to provide opportunities for personal growth and leadership development, and to organize and encourage learning opportunities through community service.


Constitution / Tier

File UpdatedConstitution1.doc
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 8
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members If you have received an invitation, please visit the national NSCS website at and click "Join" in the upper right corner to accept your invitation (put in the code referenced in the email!). Once a member, always a member. Feel free to check out our Chapter Facebook website: and our Instagram page: @nscsiowastate
Allowed Officers If you are an active member of the club, we hold elections and appoint officers as needed.
Membership Qualifications We send out invitations to freshmen and sophomores with a 3.0 GPA or above. You can apply if you are an upperclassmen and meet the criteria by going to
Membership Restrictions Must have a 3.0 GPA to be invited; invitations are automatically sent to first- and second-year students. See above qualifications if you are an upperclassmen and would like to join.
Elections/Selection We hold elections in April or as needed.
Meetings We hold general meetings almost every month and executive meetings as needed.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

At general meetings, we discuss upcoming events and have a small service activity. We hold service and social events at various times. Use this unique login to accept your NSCS nomination now on the national website,

Description of Special Events

We hold an Induction Ceremony in mid-fall and mid-spring, for all members who accepted their invitation to join in spring and fall.