Political & Activism


This organization shall promote a better understanding of: I. The current status of laws concerning cannabis (marijuana) in the state of Iowa, and in the United States at large; II. The medical, legal, environmental, economic and civil libertarian arguments for more reasonable treatment of cannabis in the laws of the state of Iowa and the United States and; III. The policy options for cannabis regulation as delineated in the NORML Official Policy Statement.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File Constitution-NORMLISU-v.1.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 2
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Anyone!
Allowed Officers President, Vice President, Secretary, Social Media Chair, Treasurer, Events Coordinator, Philanthropy Chair, Risk Management Chair, Marketing Chair, Political Awareness Chair
Membership Qualifications N/A
Membership Restrictions N/A
Elections/Selection Elections are usually held within the first 2 weeks of the Fall semester.
Meetings Biweekly meetings are held Thursday Nights at 6:30 PM in Howe Hall Room 1252. Any and all are welcome to attend these meetings. We love to hear new opinions and ideas. No prior legal system or cannabis knowledge is needed!

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Our regular Tuesday meetings consist of brainstorming ideas and solidifying plans in respect to the reformation of marijuana laws in Iowa.

Description of Special Events

Philanthropy Trips- Such as Ames/ISU Clean-Up Day, Local Farms, tutoring/mentoring, food/clothes drives, etc.
Lecture Program Events- Most recent lecture was Oct. 10 with Ryan Doyle from the Student Wellness Center, more to come.
Full-Member Meetings- One or two ISU Staff/Faculty will speak regarding a particular aspect of cannabis. Officers will also speak to give News, Shout Outs, Goodies, and reflect on other pertinent club matters.