The purpose of this organization is to connect students who enjoy mountain biking. The club will host rides, social events and volunteer activities.

Members of all skill levels are welcome, feel free to reach out with any questions! You must sign our waiver to join group rides. Sign-in on this website, then access the waiver HERE.

News & Announcements

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Typically the club schedules one larger weekend trip a semester. Additional rides or meetings may occur throughout the semester so be on the lookout on our Instagram and in our GroupMe.


Skills courses:

Whether you’re a new rider or a veteran, you can always learn a new skill. Skills courses will be offered to teach bike handling and maintenance. 


Trail building:

One of our goals as a club is to bring MTB to Ames and the best way to do that is by building trails within biking distance of the university. We have started building trails within 15 minutes from campus. Reach out or keep an eye on the GroupMe for more info on trail building. 






Q. What bike do I need?

You can mountain bike on any bike, however a hardtail mountain bike from a reputable manufacturer is recommended. For related questions contact Connor Slowinski @


Q. Where do you usually bike?

The closest trails are located in Des Moines. The Sycamore unit, Center trails, Ewing park, and Banner lakes trails are all good choices. The Trailforks app is highly recommended for locating and navigating new trails. 


Q. How much are dues?

Dues are currently $20 per year. 

