Academic - Ag & Life Sciences


The Landscape Club's purpose is to offer hands-on design and installation experiences, enhance landscape design learning opportunities outside of the classroom, and create industry networks through service projects and trips. To view some of our activities please view the PHOTO GALLERY link in the left-hand column.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File LandscapeClubConstitution2019.docx
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 17
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Any Student
Allowed Officers Any active members who will not be graduating before term ends
Membership Qualifications n/a
Membership Restrictions n/a
Elections/Selection Occur during last meeting of fall semester
Meetings 3 times a semester

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

The club meets once a month to discuss old and new business. A meeting or garden tour may be followed by a club event or social. Club events and socials can also be held on other days determined by the club.

Description of Special Events

Compete in NCLC (National Collegiate Landscape Competition) which is held annually in March at varying universities around the country.