Academic - Business Sports & Recreation


The Sports Business Club at Iowa State is dedicated to providing a platform for students to gain insight, experience, and opportunities in the field of sports business. Club members will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that will include guest speakers from the sports world, visits to athletics oriented companies, and hands on activities that will give you a base for success in the world of Sports Business. Although this club primarily caters to business students, The Sports Business Club will be an asset to any student interested in a sports related field.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File Constitution-IowaStateSportsBusinessClub.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 47
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Any Iowa State Student
Allowed Officers Any ISSBC Member elected.
Membership Qualifications Student must have above a 2.0 Cumulative GPA.
Membership Restrictions Not eligible for membership if not in good standing with the University.
Elections/Selection Elections will take place every calendar year
Meetings Bi-Weekly Wednesday's 7:00 Gerdin Business Building

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Most ISUSBC meetings will have a special guest speaker or a hands on activity that will focus on production for a sports team or athletics based field. With that, members will have the opportunity to gain insight into numerous practices in different sports related fields.

Description of Special Events

Special events will vary throughout the semester. The club will hold bi-weekly meetings as well as guest speakers, panel discussions, and facility tours.