Academic - Ag & Life Sciences


Our organization is designed to better graduate and undergraduate students interested in the Meat Science industry through many hands on opportunities provided at the University level. Both graduate and undergraduate students are given myriad opportunities to become more involved at a professional level through networking and interacting with industry professionals as well.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File IowaStateUniversityMeatScienceClubConstitution2021.docx
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 22
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Graduate and Undergraduate Students Interested in Meat Science
Allowed Officers Graduate Students and Undergraduates. Undergraduates are required to have been a member for at least year. The office of President shall require the member to have been a member for at least two years or be a graduate student.
Membership Qualifications Interest in Meat Science
Membership Restrictions Members must be due paying
Elections/Selection Elections will be held at the end of the fiscal year (June 30th)
Meetings Meetings are held one time per month

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

The Meat Science Club holds meetings once a month. Food and beverage is provided at every meeting for due paying members.

Description of Special Events

The Meat Science Club gets the opportunity to help with extension services run by the Iowa State Meat Laboratory. Members get hands on experience with industry personnel by being involved with these events. There are also service opportunities in the Ames and Des Moines area to give back to the community.