Academic - Engineering Special Interest


The objective of this organization is to further, within its locality, members and the community's interest in space and avionics.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File AIAA_Constitution2023-241.docx
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 131
ISU Members 2
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Anyone interested
Allowed Officers ISU Students
Membership Qualifications Interested in Aerospace
Membership Restrictions N/A
Elections/Selection During week four in the Fall Semester

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

We have four main types of events. General meetings, guest speakers, TAC (tuesday after class), and social events. General meetings; we go over information, announce upcoming opportunities and events. Guest speakers; we bring in people form industry to take about there experience and give advice. TAC; we have professors come and present there research and free pizza is served. Social events; we get together with other students and hold competitions or play games.

Description of Special Events