Political & Activism Religious/Spiritual Service & Volunteerism Special Interest


The Secular Student Alliance at Iowa State provides a space for atheists, agnostics, those questioning their beliefs, those affiliated with no religion, and open-minded religious students. We promote civil discussion on life outside of religion, communicating science, how to question your own beliefs, and issues related to the separation of church and state. We are working towards creating a diverse community with diverse beliefs, while sharing a common goal of understanding others.


Constitution / Tier

File ISUAAS_Constitution.docx
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 11
ISU Members 2
Non-ISU Members 1
Allowed Members Students, Community Member, Staff and Faculty
Allowed Officers Students (Graduate and Undergraduate)
Membership Qualifications None
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection Democratic, by attendee vote at end Spring Semester
Meetings Bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the Memorial union

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Currently, the Secular Student Alliance holds weekly meetings on Tuesday evenings from 5-7 in Howe Hall 1220. Group activities can include discussions, game nights, volunteering, and other community-building activities. We are creating a community that is not tied to religion, and anyone can participate, no matter their beliefs.

Description of Special Events
