Academic - Engineering


Offers students pursuing careers in construction the opportunity to explore the industry through guest speakers, field trips and social activities and service projects.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File AGCConstitution-20190414.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 72
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members ISU Students
Allowed Officers 14 Elected Members, Requirements vary by position
Membership Qualifications AGC members should have an interest in construction and a desire to serve their community through service.
Membership Restrictions AGC is open to active students at Iowa State University. Officers must be available during their term.
Elections/Selection Elections are held at the last general meeting of the spring semester. Candidates are self-nominated and apply as solicited by AGC email list-serve. A special election is held at the last general meeting of the fall semester to elect cyclical officers.
Meetings General meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Meetings are held on campus and include communications from officers and presentations from industry guests.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

General Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month at 7pm Attendance of 2 general meetings per semester plus participation in 3 events is required for active membership.

Description of Special Events

Community Service: As available, typically 4 or more events per month. Participation in at least one community service event is required for active membership.
Social Events: Typically 1 per month. Grill-outs, pizza socials, tailgates etc. Participation in at least one social event is required for active membership.
Extended Job-Site Tours: Typically 1 per semester. Travel to Midwest metropolitan area to tour large projects. Counts as a social event, must pay dues to attend. A participation deposit is required.
Thanksgiving/Spring Break Service Trips: Travel to area in need of assistance due to natural disaster, poverty or otherwise. Counts as a community service and social event. Must pay dues, have OSHA 10-HR Certification and apply for attendance. A participation deposit is required.
OSHA 10-HR Training: Held once a year in late October or early November. Must pay dues. A participation deposit is required.