Academic - Ag & Life Sciences


Encourage the exchange of regional fisheries and other technical information among members of the Iowa Chapter of AFS and members of the student subunit. Serve as a clearing house for educational and professional development in the fisheries science field and assist in the transition from an educational to a professional setting for fisheries science students. Encourage community outreach and educational activities in fisheries.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File AFSconstitutionupdated2019.doc
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 27
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Open to all students of Iowa State University.
Allowed Officers Iowa State University student club-members elected in an annual votes.
Membership Qualifications Anyone with an interest in aquatic ecology or fisheries science and technique, particularly with regards to conditions here in Iowa, is welcomed.
Membership Restrictions [None at this time.]
Elections/Selection Annually as determined by the current club Presidential chair.
Meetings Every other Thursday at 6PM in room 141 of Science Hall 2 starting January 18th, 2018 for Spring 2018 Semester.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Meetings comprise of brainstorming sessions and information distribution for fisheries- and aquatic ecology-related activities both for the benefit of Iowa's natural environment and for the enjoyment of its members.

Description of Special Events

Special events are varied, and are determined in advance by club meets. Common types of activities include: collection trips with the IDNR to local waters for fish population studies, fishing trips and fish fry, graduate student presentations, guest speakers, community volunteer events, and more.