Special Interest Sports & Recreation Sports Club


The Archery Club at Iowa State is a club whose object is to promote fellowship among those at Iowa State University who are interested in archery and its aspects as well as to establish contact between interested parties in archery and its different aspects (hunting, competing, etc) and to foster the development of different aspects and disciplines in the sport on archery and all of its aspects. We has a club have equipment for people use if they do not have theirs as well as people who are willing to teach people who have never shot before how to shoot. As well as providing equipment and practice times both indoors and outdoors, we also go to competitions a couple of times of year that anyone can go to. If you have any other questions about archery club, please feel free to email the officers at isacofficers@iastate.edu.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1361314100.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 45
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 1
Allowed Members Any person who is a undergraduate, graduate student or faculty member of Iowa State University
Allowed Officers People who are in good standing with the university and have paid dues to the club
Membership Qualifications There are no qualifications needed in order to join archery club, also no experience needed as well.
Membership Restrictions The only restrictions that this club has is the fact that we do not allow people to shoot crossbows, as that is a university policy and not ours. For the prolonged use of our targets, we also ask that people do not practice on club targets with broad heads, if you bring your own target to an outdoor practice that is okay.
Elections/Selection Elections are held at the last meeting of the year, and the proceedings are as described within the constitution as well as explained before the election process starts at the last meeting of the year. This year we have some empty slots open to new members with no experience needed.
Meetings Meetings are an as needed basis.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Practices will be held at the indoor or outdoor ranges at Curtiss Farms,1.5 miles south of Lincoln way on State Ave (google will get you there). Practice times for Spring semester 2024 will be Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. You MUST complete the waiver on the student org page before attending, NO EXCEPTIONS. Try to do so before arriving since the internet doesn't work well. Please email rwmartin@iastate.edu for any additional questions. Follow us on Instagram iowastate_archeryclub and Facebook "Archery Club at Iowa State" Personal equipment can not be stored at Curtiss Farms. If you need to use carpooling or are willing to carpool, please use this document.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d0WmDpDshzEi6y8Dhv59jahw-986PhpkQyN2toiKNTk/edit?gid=0#gid=0

Description of Special Events
