Academic - Engineering


The Institute for Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE) provides a means for students and professionals to keep up to date on the latest trends in the Industrial Engineering profession. This is done through monthly speakers, plant tours, seminars and competitions, and an IISE Conference which is held in the spring. Members are highly recommended to join the National Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers, where they receive benefits such as the ability to write IISE on their resume, access to valuable connections, professional development and career preparation, a one year subscription to the IISE magazine, exclusive scholarship and job board access, the ability to attend the Annual Regional Conference, and monetary benefits when attending special events within IISE.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 2019IISEConstitutionUpdate.docx
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 76
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Anyone
Allowed Officers Anyone
Membership Qualifications Have a passion for Industrial Engineering and a desire to learn more!
Membership Restrictions N/A
Elections/Selection There are four year long positions: President, Executive Vice President, Administrative Vice President, and Treasurer. To be eligible for these positions you must be on cabinet for one semester. There are six semester long positions: Communication, Outreach, Fundraising, Events, Sponsorship, and Freshman Representatives. Elections are at the end of the spring and fall semester.
Meetings General meetings usually have a professor speaking about their career path and research. Anyone who joins the StuOrg site will be added to the email list to hear about when and where all our general meetings are. Each year the club attends the north central regional conference as well.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

There are monthly meetings with a speaker and social activities. Outside the meetings, standard on campus events include the Fall Welcome event, IISE Volleyball Tournament, plant tours, community fundraisers, competitions, and an IISE Conference which is held in the spring. There are also various social events planned each semester.

Description of Special Events

Each spring we host an on campus paper competition for students, with finalist prizes that include submission into the regional paper competition.