Music & Performing Arts


DubH is a hip-hop dance club dedicated to teaching and learning amazing dances. No dance experience is required to join! We take people who have never danced before as well as people who have danced since they were a baby. There are dances for every skill level and everyone is welcome to do any dance they're interested in! All of our choreographers are student volunteers. They work hard every semester to create upbeat dances. In the spring we have a performance team that travels around the metro to perform at various events. DubH is an open community of dancers and encourages everyone to join!


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File DubHConstituionandBylaws2018.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 106
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 4
Allowed Members Anyone can be a member of this hip hop club, no prior dance experience is needed. Attending the showcase every semester and signing up will allow anyone to be apart of club following with semester dues.
Allowed Officers To be an officer of Dub H you must be a member for at least two semesters, to run for office the requirements are to fill out a position form along with a resume. The club and current officers will then vote and come to a consensus on the new officers for
Membership Qualifications There are no qualifications to being a member of Dub H.
Membership Restrictions There is a zero tolerance for drinking in the club, if a member comes to a practice or show under the influence their membership is revoked and they are no longer allowed into the club.
Elections/Selection As for elections, once the resumes and applications are submitted for each running position. The advisor and president review each applicant then present an anonymous vote from the entire club at the end of the semester. We require a paragraph on why each candidate believes they suit the position they are running for and that is how the club votes.
Meetings Meetings for dancers will be depending on the dances they chose to be apart of and are casted in. Each individual dance meets once a week for an hour an a half, ranging on the number each member is casted into the hours every week may range. As for officers, the cabinet will meet once a week also to discuss future events and plans for the following week on how to successfully run the hip hop club to satisfy the members.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Throughout the semester, choreographer are chosen to choreograph a single piece that are put together and presented during the end of semester show. Each choreographer has their own designated practice throughout the week (Sunday through Thursday are practice days) for an hour and a half.

Description of Special Events

The performance team (InnovAtion) is tryouts only and they are a group of dancers that represent the club at different events on Iowa State's campus throughout the year. For example, performances at the Iowa State Fashion Show, Iowa Wild Hockey, Minnesota Timberwolves, Relay for Life, etc. For all members of DubH, there is an end of the semester show that is held in Ames to show the dances they all worked hard on throughout the semester.