Academic - Design


Graphic Design Social Club exists to bring departments, students, and organizations together to creatively collaborate. We encourage members to define their own discipline rather than letting it define them. We love: experimentation, intentional strangeness, and people giving hugs.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File GClub_Constitution1.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 9
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members
Allowed Officers
Membership Qualifications
Membership Restrictions
Elections/Selection Elections are held each April, as needed.
Meetings Please see our calendar for meeting information.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

The Graphic Design Social Club (Social Club for short) gathers people to creatively collaborate on a regular basis. Our aim is to grow communities and bolster creative passion. A schedule of our gatherings can be found on our main page and on social media. In the interest of growing communities campus wide, Social Club offers Graphic Design to individuals & organizations. To request these services, please email the club secretary.

Description of Special Events

Follow our IG and DM for an invite to our Slack channel for updates and event announcements!