Gaming and Esports club at Iowa State

The Gaming and Esports Club has been a part of Iowa State's community for over 10 years! We enjoy getting together online and at LAN parties to play the games we've all come to love over the years. Whether you're looking for friends, want to join a competitive collegiate team, or itching to talk about the latest games, tech, and news in the gaming industry, look no further! We invite all types of players to join in the fun! Whether PC, console, or mobile, competitive or casual, all are welcome to join in on the fun! Don't hesitate any longer. Pick your controller, press start, and join us!

Get involved

Get involved with the Gaming and Esports club! Dive into our active Discord server, which is home to all sorts of chats with other club members, all themed around a variety of games and hobbies! Our Discord is also the home of all the club information and important announcements you'll need. You can also check out our Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram, which all provide club news and live content!



Our events

The Gaming and Esports club prides itself on hosting a variety of gaming-centric events for both casual and competitive gamers! Meet new people and play a variety of games at our frequently hosted events! Check our Discord for details on when events will take place! Our club has an Xbox One available for community use.


LANs are events hosted on campus that all run from noon to midnight. Join in on a day of gaming action and meet new people in the process! LANs typically host all sorts of games; such as party games, competitive games, or even board games! Bring your own computer, console, board game, and good vibes for an entire day of fun!

Game night

Game nights are events hosted simultaneously online and in the Gaming and Esports Room at Beyer Hall that focus on one game, which is voted upon by club members. Everyone will then get together to play the voted upon game throughout the night! Games may vary from party games to competitive games, but game nights are always about getting together for a bit of fun!

Gaming and Esports at ISU Afterdark

ISU AfterDark is a student organization that plans three late-night activities each semester which are free for students. ISU students are invited to the Memorial Union from 9pm-1am to participate in a variety of FREE activities that include bingo and a variety of entertainment. The Gaming and Esports club joins AfterDark to provide a variety of video and board games. Come visit the Gaming and Esports club while you're at AfterDark! 

Open LAN is one massive event featuring multiple tournaments spanning multiple games. Teams from across the country are invited to participate in this massive in-person event on campus. Matches are featured on a quality livestream. Open LAN takes place late in the spring semester, more news will come soon!

Esport teams

The Gaming and Esports club is full of a variety of games for everyone. But for the students who want to take their skills to the next level, we offer a large selection of esport teams for a variety of games. The following games have teams fielded:

  • Valorant

  • Overwatch 2

  • Rocket League

  • Rainbow 6 Siege

  • Counter Strike 2

  • League of Legends

  • Call of Duty

  • Hearthstone

  • Apex Legends

  • Super Smash Bros.