1) Form an interdisciplinary community, both professionally and socially, that promotes exploration and engagement in collaboration between disciplines related to ecosystems research. The following is a non-exhaustive list of programs and departments related to ecosystems research-related disciplines at Iowa State University: Meteorology (MET); Agricultural Meteorology (Ag. MET); Environmental Science (ENSCI); Agronomy (AGRON); Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering (ABE); Civil, Construction Environmental Engineering (CCEE); Chemical & Biological Engineering (CBE); Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology (EEOB); and Natural Resource Ecology & Management (NREM). 2) Obtain leadership skills through officer positions, setting agendas, and planning events. 3) Develop professional skills through reading and analyzing scientific journal articles as a group; coding in major computer programming languages; and understanding soil-ecosystem-atmosphere related models as well their fundamental principles. 4) Develop and strengthen communication skills via networking, presentations, and outreach or extension events. 5) Ultimately, adhere to and promote the land-grant mission of teaching, research, and extension work.

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