About Us
Computer Science and Software Engineering Club (CSE for short) is ISU's primary club for anything programming related. Our goal is to create a friendly, educational, and engaging environment for anyone interested in computer science/software development. We offer a variety of events ranging from presentations from industry-leading companies to fun and relaxed games nights. No programming experience is required, all majors are welcome, and there is no fee to join. All you need is an interest in programming/development!
What We Do
CSE Club offers a variety of events to our members, all of which are completely free. We have weekly meetings (days and times below) that feature company presentations, educational workshops, or game nights. All of our meetings offer opportunities to network with other students or industry professionals. Aside from our weekly club meetings, we also look to host events with other computer science clubs like the Robotics Club and Game Development Club. Lastly, we are also looking to create a variety of "interest groups" within the club that focus on a specific areas of computer science/software development such as Cloud Technologies, CI/CD, and Python Development to name a few (details below).
How To Get Involved
The first step to joining the club is to request to join via StuOrg using the link at the top-right of this page. You will receive a confirmation email when your request has been accepted and will be enrolled in emails about club activities. However, the best way to stay up-to-date on club activities and meet other members is to join our Discord using this link: https://discord.gg/retmDM8yfw
Meeting Info
Weekly meetings are held every Monday from 6:00pm-7:30pm in Morrill 2019, although they often only last until 7:00pm. Meeting details are posted in Discord and sent via email a few days prior to the meeting and a regularly updated agenda is posted in the Discord.
Interest Groups
In an effort to promote communication amongst club members and engage more member's interest's directly, we are looking to create "interest groups" within the club. Each interest group has a single focus, such as Python development, and a chairperson to lead help manage the group's activities and coordinate with the rest of the club. If you are interested in creating a new interest group, please reach out to the current president or vice-president via Discord or email!