Sports & Recreation Sports Club


Cricket Club at ISU is started in year 2001, to promote the game of CRICKET among students, faculty and staff of ISU. We aim to provide necessary facilities and infrastructure for playing the game on campus. Membership is open for all. We organize regular tournaments throughout the year.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1209058103.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 19
ISU Members 3
Non-ISU Members 3
Allowed Members Iowa State Students, Staff, Alumni, Others
Allowed Officers President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Student Advisor, SCC Representative, Webmaster
Membership Qualifications Enthusiasm for the game of cricket
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection Democratic
Meetings Weekly practices at 5:30 PM on Friday at MWL fields

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Meet for practice. Stretch and practice three main components of the game of cricket. Bowling, Batting and Fielding. Also talk about game strategies and team selection

Description of Special Events

Hard Tennis Tournament (A version of the game played with hard & heavy tennis ball). This will include 6 teams of 8-10 players each team
Tape Tennis Tournament (A version of the game played with regular & light tennis ball , which will be covered with electrical tape). This will include 6 teams of 7-8 players each team
Iowa State Premier League (A version of the game played with hard & heavy tennis ball). This tournament is modelled after the Indian Premier League, and will include an auction with real money and bidding for a pool of players.