The primary purpose of the club shall be to promote the martial arts of taekwondo, judo and hapkido within the Iowa State community. The sec- ondary purpose will be to promote the health, education, well-being and safety of members of the Iowa State and Ames communities.

News & Announcements

May 3, 2024

Summer Practice Schedule

Hello Everyone,

Summer practices begin May 13th. Here is the schedule for this summer:

5:45-6:45 HKD 
6:45-7:45 TKD

5:45-6:45 Judo
6:45-7:45 TKD

5:45-6:45 Judo
6:45-7:45 HKD

If you will not be at summer practices and recently tested, please contact Master Hamann to figure out how to receive your belt and certificate. 


Renee Alexander