Chi Epsilon was founded in 1922 and now has 131 active chapters nationwide. The chapter at Iowa State was founded in 1965, and is the 61st chapter in the nation. Members of Chi Epsilon are selected based on a recognition of the characteristics necessary for a successful career as a civil engineer. We promote the profession of civil engineering while working to develop the principles of “Scholarship, Character, Practicality, and Sociability” in our members.


Chapter Involvement Opportunties:

  • Fall Awards Banquet Planning
  • Deparmental Service Initiatives
  • Community Service
  • Social Events, Job Site Tours, Industry Speakers
  • Networking with CCEE professors and other high-achieving peers
  • Connecting with Civil Engineering professionals in the workforce

Initiation Process:

  • Fill out the Qualtrics form 
  • Respond to invitation from
  • Complete pre-initiation activities
  • Attend Initation Ceremony on February 25th, 2025

The Chi Epsilon organization is an honor society for civil engineers. Potential initiates must be enrolled in a major under the CCEE department and have a junior or senior classifciation. Being a member of Chi Epsilon reflects a sense of urgency to go above and beyond in their studies in all of its members.

Please reach out to or any of the officers if you have any questions!