Academic - Engineering Special Interest


Provides for people interested in electronics and communications. Provides a way for amateurs in the ISU community to organize and share their interests with other amateurs.


Constitution / Tier

File CARCConstitutionRevised03012022.docx
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 8
ISU Members 7
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members No restrictions
Allowed Officers Iowa State Students
Membership Qualifications Any student may attend club meetings.
Membership Restrictions To operate club equipment, members must hold an amateur radio license (issued by the FCC).
Elections/Selection Officer elections are held once a semester.
Meetings Weekly meetings are held every Monday at 5:00 pm in Coover Hall, Room 3107, to discuss amateur radio and other radio-related topics.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Club meetings consist of informational presentations on amateur radio topics by either club members or invited guests.

Description of Special Events

Amateur Radio Testing - Every month the club sponsors a testing session where anybody can take the FCC exams to earn their amateur radio license.
Free Speech Zone Operation - The club operates portable from the free speech zone to demonstrate amateur radio to the campus community.
Repeater Net - Every week the club hosts a net on the club VHF repeater (147.375+ MHz, PL tone 114.8 Hz). Precise date and time can be found on the Operational Info page.