AST Club is involved in the college and social activities in a variety of ways:
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS):
AST Club has a Junior and Senior member on the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council. These members share AST Club's position on issues face the college and university. There are also involved in the organizing and planning of events put on by the CALS Student Council.
Members participate in the tear down and setup of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences concerts. When concerts are held at the Hansen Learning Center during CALS week and National Ag. Day members are there to help prepare the arena for the concert.
During CALS week, there are many events put on by the college. This year our own club member Casey Meeker represented our club for the Mr. CALS Competition. Casey did an excellent job representing AST, however was not crowned Mr. CALS. Also, the AST Club accomplished its goal from 2015 to replace the VEISHEA tractor display for a CALS week display. For more information about it, please see our Tractor Display Page.
Each semester, CALS offers a Junior Visit Day that brings juniors in high school from around the world. The AST Club participates in this event to educate high schoolers about Agricultural Systems Technology.
At the beginning of each school year, CALS holds a Freshmen/Transfer student BBQ that promotes all clubs in CALS.
Club members also participate in a roadside clean-up once in the fall and once in the spring. Andrew Sauerbrei and Dalton Johnson represented the AST Club this year.

Casey Meeker Mr. CALS Representative
Bret Yeggy(left) & Colin Connor (right) and the Freshman/Transfer BBQ
AST Club vs. Iowa State Student Section ASABE
Each fall AST Club co-hosts a grill out with the Iowa State ASABE Club. This grill out welcomes freshmen and transfer students while bringing current students back together. We also competed in a slow pitch softball game during the fall semester. In the spring, we competed in a flag football game. AST was victorious in both games this year and hopes to continue the winning streak next year.
Flag Football: AST 70- ASABE 7 Slow Pitch Softball: AST 40- ASABE 18
Iowa Section ASABE Meeting
On October 22, 2015, ten AST Club members attended the Iowa Section ASABE meeting held in Sukup Hall at Iowa State University. All of the AST Club members had the opportunity to apply for scholarships sponsored by the Iowa Section. At this meeting, two members, Colin Connor (President January 2015- January 2016) and Andrew Sauerbrei (CALS Council Representative) were awarded $1,000 scholarships. Colin also presented the current AST Club activities to the Iowa Section. You can see that presentation here.
Technology Industry Night
This was an event co-hosted with the ITEC Club. Before the College of Engineering Career Fair, we hosted many companies to come talk to the club members about full-time and internship opportunities.For pictures, click here. Companies that were attendance were:
Ag Solver
Ag Leader
CGB Enterprises, Inc.
GNP Company
HNI, HON, Allsteel
John Deere
The Palmer Group
Sukup MFG.
Trinity Structural Towers
AST Club Events
Every semester we provide our own social events for club members to interact and get to know each other. Last fall, we did not hold a social event due to scheduling constraints. In April, the club held its last meeting at Perfect Games. Perfect games is a bowling alley, laser tag arena, arcade, and restaurant. Members were able to bowl on teams, eat pizza, and socialize before the end of the semester.