Culture/Identity Based


The Aromantic Asexual Alliance's mission is to provide a safe and inclusive space for members of the Asexual and Aromantic community along with their allies, to generate opportunities to discuss asexual and aromantic issues and experiences, spread awareness of asexuality and aromanticism and to support members.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File ConstitutionAsexualandAromanticAlliance1.docx
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 14
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members
Allowed Officers
Membership Qualifications
Membership Restrictions
Elections/Selection Elections will be held toward the beginning of the spring semester at the discretion of the executive officers.
Meetings Meetings will be held weekly and announced through the email list (contact the current president through email or to be added). Announcements may also be posted on the club's Instagram or through the LGBTQIA+ success center. Activities will vary from meeting to meeting.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Meetings occur every week and are comprised of either education and discussion, social events, or other community bonding activities

Description of Special Events

Pride week events and collaboration with other organizations on awareness and education of identities. Different events may be held at the discretion of the executives and will have varying activities.