Culture/Identity Based


The Ames Furry Club is a group for ISU students and Ames residents who are a part of or interested in the Furry community. The club is a welcoming environment to discuss, share, and participate in various aspects of furry media. The Ames Furry Club is also a great place to make friends and meet all sorts of new people. We meet in person and online throughout the semester. At our meetings we may play games, watch movies, make crafts, explore places in Ames, or do other fun activities.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File AmesFurryClubConstitution1.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 33
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 6
Allowed Members Any current ISU Student or anyone 18 years or older in the Ames area
Allowed Officers ISU Students
Membership Qualifications None
Membership Restrictions Any current ISU Student or anyone 18 years or older in the Ames area may be a member of the club.
Elections/Selection Any ISU student can vote and run in officer elections. Elections are held at the end of the academic year.
Meetings We meet in person and online. At our meetings we may play games, watch movies, make crafts, explore places in Ames, or do other fun activities. In-person meetings are done every other week. On weeks we don't meet in-person, we hold online Game Nights on our Discord server where we play multiplayer games or do other virtual activities. Meeting time and place varies, so please check the Google calendar on the club's homepage or email an officer if you need to know where to go! Any member or prospective member may attend meetings. Any announcements about meetings will be emailed to all club members and also announced on the club Discord server.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Meetings will always include some sort of fun activity such as playing games, making art, or watching a movie. We will also provide snacks at the meetings.

Description of Special Events

The club may also meet off-campus occasionally for various other fun activities such as bowling or mini-golf.
The club will take a trip to Minneapolis for the Furry Migration convention every year! This convention usually runs on the second weekend of September. We rent a van for our club to take to the convention as a cheaper alternative to individual driving. To be involved, signup is run during the summer to allow time for trip registration through stuorg.
We host online meetings on occasion as a way to connect with people who are unable to attend the in-person meetings. This is done via Discord. The discord can be accessed by emailing an officer for the invite or through the Iowa State University Hub. The hub can be found here: