Academic - Engineering


To promote the civil engineering profession by facilitating interaction of students, faculty and professionals. ASCE sponsors speakers, field trips, and informational meetings on various aspects of civil careers.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File ASCEConstitution20232.doc
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 54
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Students in the CCEE department at Iowa State University
Allowed Officers Students that are a full-time or part-time civil engineering discipline undergraduate student enrolled at Iowa State with a minimum GPA of 2.0.
Membership Qualifications In order to have an active membership, one should: - Attend at least 2 Speaker Meetings - Attend 1 Social Event - Attend 1 Outreach or - Complete one of the following to count for either 1 Speaker Meeting, 1 Social Event, or 1 Outreach Event: Attend 1 Special Event; or be an active member in either the Steel Bridge Team or the Concrete Canoe Team
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection - Elections occur at the end of each year (or each semester in case a cabinet member can no longer hold his/her position. - At the beginning of the school year ASCE members select incoming freshmen that would like to be a Freshman Rep.
Meetings Cabinet meetings will be held at least one time each month in a room and time as specified by consensus of the Cabinet i. Conducted by President ii. No more than three (3) positions of cabinet shall be absent from a Cabinet Meeting Speaker meetings will be held at least one time each month in a room and time as specified by the Vice President i. Conducted by President ii. A summary of the meeting as completed by the Secretary will be posted no more than one week after the meeting on the website.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Speaker meetings will be held at least one time each month in a room and time as specified by the Vice President i. Conducted by President ii. A summary of the meeting as completed by the Secretary will be posted no more than one (1) week after the meeting on the website. iii. Food (if applicable) served at, for example 6:00 PM iv. General meeting begins 15 minutes after food is served and will last for at most 15 minutes, for example the general meeting will begin at 6:15 PM, adjourned by 6:30 PM 1. Attendance will be taken by the Secretary during general meeting 2. All Cabinet members will give applicable chapter updates on events and committee activities v. Speaker will be introduced by Vice President when the general meeting is over, for example at 6:30 PM Joint Section Meetings will be held at least one time each year in conjunction with the Iowa Section of ASCE annual Meeting in a room and time as specified by the Vice President i. Conducted by Student Chapter President ii. A summary of the meeting as completed by the Secretary will be posted no more than one (1) week after the meeting on the website. iii. Social Hour with refreshments will be provided iv. General meeting will last no more than 15 minutes 1. Attendance will be taken of students by the Secretary during general meeting 2. Iowa Section President will give any applicable updates 3. Faculty Advisor(s) will give any applicable updates 4. All Cabinet members will give applicable chapter updates on events and committee activities 5. Steel Bridge Co-Chairs will update chapter on progress 6. Concrete Canoe Co-Chairs will update chapter on progress v. Speaker will be introduced proceeding adjournment of general meeting Social Events Outreach Events Special Events Steel Bridge and Concrete Canoe

Description of Special Events

Meetings/activities that aren't specified by regular ASCE event descriptions.