Academic - Vet-Med


The AAEP student chapter strives to bring students information and opportunities for experience that they may not get from the formal curriculum. Monthly meetings are usually held over the noon hour with lunch provided, featuring speakers who have demonstrated excellence within their field. Throughout the semester the organization hosts seminars for hands-on experience with joint injections, laparoscopy, equine dentistry, etc. Members will be connected with the National AAEP and introduced to current ethical issues, pharmaceutical products, medical procedures, and professional considerations of interest, such as residency programs. Additionally, members will be able to go to National AAEP Conventions, visit various equine clinics, and learn about equine cases through ‘Equine Rounds’ with the clinicians from the medical center. Students interested in equine medicine and those that have a recreational interest in the equine species are encouraged to join.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1395851166.doc
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 101
ISU Members 2
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Unlimited
Allowed Officers 15
Membership Qualifications Members- none Executive team- horse experience
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection Elections are held in the spring semester over an internet poll.
Meetings Members- none mandatory Executive team- only miss one executive meeting per semester is preferred

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

We meet once to twice per month for lunch meetings as a club. The executive team meets twice per month. During lunch meetings, students receive lunch and listen to speakers who are doctors either from our faculty or brought to the school from elsewhere. Topics include equine lameness, dentals, dystocia, managing an equine practice, dermatology, opthomology, farrier work, and many others.

Description of Special Events

AAEP is one of the busiest clubs at ISU Vet Med. We have 3 wetlabs per semester including horse handling, castration, radiology, farrier, dental, opthomology, volunteerism at one of the local horse riding camps, chiropractic, and many others. We also attend national convention and Rolex as a group which really makes those events fun.