Academic - Pre-Professional Music & Performing Arts


The Collegiate Chapter of the Music Teachers National Association at Iowa State University aims to create opportunities for future and current music teachers to develop as musicians, teachers, entrepreneurs, and professionals; to provide programs structured around needs seen by students, and to enrich the future of music education.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File Constitution7.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 5
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Voting members must be registered members of the Music Teachers National Association.
Allowed Officers Officers must be registered members of the Music Teachers National Association.
Membership Qualifications
Membership Restrictions
Elections/Selection Elections are held yearly.
Meetings Meetings will be held at least once a term, and we will aim for biweekly meetings with bimonthly programming events.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Biweekly meetings will be conducted following MTNA guidelines.

Description of Special Events

Special events are programming including but not limited to volunteering for IMTA auditions, bringing in guest speakers, and hosting masterclasses with experts in the field.