Academic - Business


The MBASMA is designed to allow graduate students in business the opportunity to network with professionals in various areas of business and explore related career paths. Vision The MBA & Specialized Masters Association creates and pursues opportunities for students to develop the skills and behaviors required in business.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File MBASMAConstitution2020.docx
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 38
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members MBA & Specialized Ivy Masters Students
Allowed Officers MBA & Specialized Ivy Masters Students
Membership Qualifications Any Ivy College of Business Graduate at Iowa State University
Membership Restrictions none
Elections/Selection Majority vote at the end of the Fall Semester. Officer terms follow the calender year.
Meetings Once a month on whichever date the Executive Board has set for that month. Emails and flyers will be put up/sent out generally two weeks in advance.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Meetings will be held using Robert's Rules of Order

Description of Special Events

Special events will be held thanks to the planning of the social chair. Generally at least once a month.