

United Nations for Christ has been established to create an environment where students of all nations are provided the opportunity to study the Bible in reference to the great commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28 as fulfilled in Acts 2.


Constitution / Tier

File ConstitutionforUnitedNationsForChrist6-9-22.docx
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 4
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members
Allowed Officers
Membership Qualifications
Membership Restrictions
Elections/Selection Elections will take place (when necessary) in April. All elected officers must be current students at ISU with a minimum GPA of 2.0. All members of the United Nations for Christ will nominate and then vote for officers when positions arise. A majority vote will determine the new officer. Parties will be nominated verbally, and a written vote will be handed in. Each officer will hold the position until graduation or decide to leave the position. Any student member with good standing (80% or greater attendance in the group) is eligible for nomination. At the beginning of each semester, all newly elected officers will assume their positions.
Meetings Held once a week as determined each semester by the executive board.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Meetings follow this structure: -Attendance and Welcome -Prayer -Lunch -Lesson/Bible Study by President or guest speaker -Prayer -Dismissal by President

Description of Special Events

The club hosts one annual event at New Life Church in Ames each year. The event's name is "All-Nation Sunday," which is in October every year.