Academic - Ag & Life Sciences Academic - LAS Special Interest


The Taxidermy, Articulation, and Preservation Society will provide and education and practice in the art of taxidermy, articulation, preservation, and other related fields.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File TAPSConstitution2022.docx
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 23
ISU Members 3
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Membership shall be open to all registered students in good standing with Iowa State University. Members must be full- or half-time students of the university. Members may be undergraduate or graduate students and faculty of the university.
Allowed Officers President, Vice President, Treasurer, Risk Management Officer
Membership Qualifications Membership shall be open to all registered students in good standing with Iowa State University. Members must be full- or half-time students of the university. Members may be undergraduate or graduate students and faculty of the university. Members must be 18 years of age or older.
Membership Restrictions To be admitted into The Taxidermy, Articulation, and Preservation Society, prospective members must a) Meet the Membership Qualifications b) Attend at least one Society meeting c) Pay membership dues
Elections/Selection a) Elections will be held the last meeting of the spring semester. Elections will be held via secret ballot. Each candidate will be allowed to speak for three (3) minutes while the other candidates are absent. There will be a two (2) minute time for questions available after they speak. After all candidates have spoken there will be an additional five (5) minutes for discussion. Ballots shall then be cast. b) Replacement of an officer, for any reason, must occur during the current meeting, or at the next scheduled meeting. Until that time, the treasurer or president will take over the roles of the absent officer. c) Officers will serve for a whole school year, and the summer before that school year.
Meetings Meetings will be held every Friday at 4 pm in room 128 Sci II.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

The meeting will often have guest speakers who will be able to assist students in understanding the processes of Taxidermy, articulation, and preservation.

Description of Special Events
