Special Interest


The purpose of the Chapter at Iowa State University shall be: a) to advance the understanding of nervous system by bringing together scientists of various backgrounds and by facilitating the integration of research directed at all levels of biological organization; b) to promote education in the neurosciences; and c) to inform the general public of the results and implications of current research in this area.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1360340402.docx
Tier Campus Organization

Membership Information

Student Members 8
ISU Members 3
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members yes
Allowed Officers yes
Membership Qualifications Student with an interest in the brain.
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection Elections for officers are held during the annual Neuroscience Day. Membership on the activities and funding committees appointed through volunteers.
Meetings Neuroscience Day every Fall. This year it will be held Tuesday, September 10th at 7:00 pm in the Great Hall, Memorial Union.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Neuroscience Day is an annual business meeting held in the Fall. The business meeting is held at noon during lunch. Other activities during the day include Neuroscience talks, posters, and student and guest speaker presentations. A social event typically follows during the evening. This year's even will be held on Sept. 17, 2016.

Description of Special Events

SfN, Iowa Chapter hosts a student retreat every year in early June. This event features professional development discussion, student data presentations, and a keynote speaker. This retreat is geared toward graduate students in Neuroscience or related field, however all members are invited to attend. For more information about this event, please email Dr. Stegemöller at esteg@iastate.edu.
Emir Malovic, Matthew Jefferson, and Greg Mlynarczk will be presenting "Biology, Behavior & Brain Health" at Cafe Scientifique at the Des Moines Science Center on October 11, 2016 at 5:30pm. Please join them for an interesting presentation!
The ALS Walk is coming soon! October 8th at Principal Park, Des Moines. Please email Lauren Laboissonniere at laboiss@iastate,edu if you are interested in joining the team.
Please let Dr. Stegemöller know if you will be attending the national SfN conference. We would like to meet for dinner as a group.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT!!! On Wednesday, September 28th at 11am in the Gold room in the MU, the Neuroscience Professional Development Committee is hosting a workshop on using the web to promote yourself. Space is limited.Visit https://pd.grad-college.iastate.edu/event/view/78 for more information
Brain Day for Kids is set from January 21st in the Molecular Biology Building. We need volunteers to lead hands-on activities to teach kids about the brain. If you are interested, please email Lauren Laboissonniere at laboiss@iastate.edu.