

Delta Tau Deltas is a values-based Fraternity that is heavily involved in campus events (Homecoming, Greek Week, and Varieties). Our members also participate and hold positions within many non-greek campus organizations. We encourage academics as well as social involvement for all our members. Members of this chapter work to raise funding for our partnered organization, the Junior Diabetic Research Foundation (JDRF). At delt, our motto is "Committed to Lives of Excellence," a standard we hold all of our men to.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File GammaPiBylaws.doc
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 29
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members any undergraduate and 1 year in graduate school in compliance with Iowa State Standards
Allowed Officers Any initiated member in good standing that is nominated and elected into office
Membership Qualifications 2.7/4.0 GPA
Membership Restrictions n/a
Elections/Selection Robert's Rules of Order
Meetings Weekly Chapter that meets on Sunday

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

General Assembly Meetings Section 1 – Order of Business A. All formal meetings of the Chapter shall be conducted in the following order; 1. Opening ceremonies 3. Introduction of visiting members 4. Executive committee reports 5. Committee chairmen reports 6. Old business 7. New business 8. Chapter member critiques 9. Suggestions for the good of the Order (passing the gavel) 10. Closing ceremonies Section 2 – Meeting Procedure A. The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will govern meetings, except where specified by the bylaws of Gamma Pi chapter of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. B. The President of the Chapter shall chair all General Assembly meetings, or a member in good standing in the Chapter, chosen by the Sergeant-at- Arms and whom the presiding officer at the meeting approves of. C. Profanity and outburst will not be tolerated. Section 3– Time and Place A. Regular meetings shall be held each Sunday evening at 6:30pm sharp, in the Chapter Hall at 2121 Sunset Drive, Ames, Iowa. B. Active Member Education will take place every 3 rd Sunday of the month in place of the regular chapter meetings, if deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. Attendance and a paper chapter will occur at the beginning of this Sunday meeting.

Description of Special Events

Initiation Ceremony