

Helser Carpenter House is a residence based group that is established in order to form an efficient house, ensure equal representation of each resident, and secure an environment that stimulates intellectual, social, recreational integration and interaction. It is the purpose of the House to create an atmosphere of fellowship among the members as well as to help improve the scholarly, social, culture awareness, and personal development of each House member and the House as a unit. The House will provide the members with a positive living environment and studying environment that promotes and recognizes the need of all its members.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1366422036.doc
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 8
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Anyone residing in Helser Carpenter.
Allowed Officers Anyone who is a resident in Helser Carpenter.
Membership Qualifications N/A
Membership Restrictions You may not be a member or officer of this organization if you do not live in Helser Carpenter.
Elections/Selection Elections will be held at one of the first few house meetings in the beginning of the fall semester.
Meetings Cabinet meetings will be held weekly in the CA's room while house meetings will be held biweekly in 1st or 2nd floor Carpenter dens. Cabinet members will be expected to attend both cabinet and house meetings.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

House meetings will be scheduled for an hour but will rarely take the full hour. House meetings will be led by the house president and house cabinet. The CA will attend to advise meetings and potentially answer questions if needed. Members of Carpenter house will attend to vote on house activities, budgets, etc.

Description of Special Events

Special events will be put on by the CA and the house cabinet throughout the year. These events will range anywhere from arts and crafts, movie nights, house dinners etc. These events will potentially be advertised by email and posters around the house. We look forward to seeing you at our many events!