

The chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity at Iowa State is consistently a top chapter in the Iowa State Greek Community as well as in the FarmHouse International Fraternity. Our motto is "Builder of Men." FarmHouse places emphasis on the development of four main aspects of life: intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual. Members of FarmHouse are from a variety of backgrounds; you do not need an agricultural background to be a member of FarmHouse. A wide variety of majors are represented by FarmHouse men which allows for great educational support for any incoming student. FarmHouse has a strong reputation on and off campus, and we are looking forward to continuing to "build men" through our great traditions.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1271252213.doc
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 44
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members NA
Allowed Officers Active Members who are selected by the chapter.
Membership Qualifications All men enrolled at Iowa State
Membership Restrictions N/A
Elections/Selection To join FarmHouse, one must be brought up for a "new membership" vote where he must receive enough votes by the chapter members to be issued a membership bid.
Meetings Monday at 6:30 PM

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Chapter Meeting: Every Monday at 6:30 pm

Description of Special Events

Burritoville: an annual fall philanthropic event that raises awareness and financially benefits Children's Cancer Connection.
Testicle Festival: an annual spring philanthropic event that raises awareness and financially benefits the Testicular Cancer Society.