Honor Societies


When the chapter at Iowa State was installed it was with the idea that the fraternity would be purely honorary. The objective of the Iowa Chapter of the Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta, is to encourage a high degree of excellence in the practice of agricultural pursuits and to encourage high standards of scholarship in all branches of agricultural science and education.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File GammaSigmaDeltaConstitution2023-03-06.docx
Tier Campus Organization

Membership Information

Student Members 0
ISU Members 13
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members CALS, COE,DSN, VET MED
Allowed Officers Faculty and Staff
Membership Qualifications No
Membership Restrictions Faculty and Staff in CALS, COE,DSN, VET MED
Elections/Selection Annually
Meetings Annually

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

1. Annual Initiation and Award Ceremony

Description of Special Events

Ceremony to initiate new members into the Chapter and to recognize Award Recipients in agriculture.