About the STAT-ers
The Iowa STAT-ers club was created in 1979 to encourage professional growth in the field of statistics, and to provide a social outlet for graduate students in the Department of Statistics. Toward this end, the STAT-ers sponsor seminars, run a reading group, plan parties and outdoor activities, and inform students of funding and services provided to graduate students.
The STAT-ers is recognized as a student organization by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) and receives a portion of its funding from it. The remaining funds come from member’s dues, or from fund raising activities (like recycling and the sale of STAT-ers t-shirts and STAT-ers calendars).
The Iowa STAT-ers Club is also a designated Student Chapter of the American Statistical Association (ASA) as of March 2016.
Social Activities
The STAT-ers social committee organizes several functions to provide opportunities for interaction outside the hallways of Snedecor. Traditional highlights feature Apple Picking, the Halloween Party, tennis and golf tournaments, picnics, and a weekly Friday Afternoon Club.
Intramural Sports Teams
STAT-ers form teams in almost any sport imaginable, from flag football to sand volleyball to indoor soccer to softball to innertube water basketball. The main STAT-er sports remain broomball and volleyball, where past STAT-er legends can be remembered in the “Snedecor trophy case.” Pickleball is also a time-honored tradition.
Positions and Committees:
All the possible positions with Stat-ers are listed below:
Officer Positions:
President: The “face of Stat-ers.” Liaise with the department, oversee all Stat-ers activities, keep the group in good standing with the university.
Vice President: Organize and facilitate company visits and interviews. (e.g. Eli Lilly, 3M, etc.) Help the president when needed.
Treasurer: Keeps track of the money coming in and out of the Stat-ers budget. Work with the other elected officials to coordinate fun events.
Secretary: Keeps records of meetings of Stat-ers. Helps maintain the website and other officers organize activities.
Social Chair: Organize different activities during the year to provide opportunities for social interaction between students.
Departmental Committees:
All positions are volunteer!
You may be on Stat-ers & departmental committees.
Departmental meetings usually only require 1-2 meetings per year.
Number of committees and student members will vary with the discretion of the chair.
Computation Advisory Committee (2)
Faculty Meeting Student Rep (1)
Social Committee* (3)
Website Committee (2)
*Usually the same as the Stat-ers social committee, but not required to be.
Stat-ers Committees:
All positions are volunteer!
You’ll have an assigned exec board member to ask questions to.
All positions are for 1 person unless noted in parentheses.
First Year Representative: Assist the Board and Social committee in staying updated with all things First Year!
Birthday Coordinator: Schedule cake bakers for each month to celebrate the department members’ birthdays that month.
Community Service: (2-3) Organize charitable events for the Stat-ers.
Intramural Coordinator: Keep Stat-ers aware of IM sports schedule and register Stat-ers teams.
Recycling Collector: Collect the recycling from Snedecor and redeem at can recycling center, give the money to the treasurer.
Social Committee: (3) Help the social chair with planning and running social events.
GPSS Senators: (2) Attend monthly GPSS meetings. Relay info from GPSS to department.