Academic - Ag & Life Sciences


Members have the opportunity to participate in professional development in Forestry related fields, sound ecological management, and networking with Natural Resource professionals.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File UpdatedForestryClubConstituitonedited20181.asd.doc
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 28
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Anyone who is interested.
Allowed Officers President, Treasurer, Vice President, Secretary, Merchandise, Intramural, Tree Farm Manager, Two Timbersports Captains, and Two CALS Council Representatives.
Membership Qualifications None, just be interested in forestry.
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection Elections are held at the end of the spring semester. New officers take over the following fall semester.
Meetings Starting September 5th, 2023, meetings occur every other Tuesday in Science Hall 2, room 202.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Meet to discuss upcoming events and potential employers such as the Minnesota DNR and other private companies. Some meetings will be at our tree farm located near Reactor Woods, where we usually have a bonfire along with the meeting.

Description of Special Events

Conclave- Midwestern Forestry schools gather to compete in timbersports and other forestry knowledge such as DBH, Traversing, and Wood I.D.